Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Vamos Brasil!!!

To understand this email, it is helpful to know that Maddie’s grandparents are serving a mission in Mexico City right now, and that her grandpa previously served a mission in Argentina.

Well the biggest news this week is the MUNDIAL (World Cup). You gringos may not have realized that’s going on right now, but down here it’s a big deal. Especially being with a Brasilenia. Chiles not playing, so the majority root for Brazil, because they would never Argentina (sorry grandpa :) I’m team Brazil 100%. I have to support my companion!! The elders right now in my ward, one is from Brazil also, and the other from Mexico. Well BRASIL PLAYED MEXICO AYER (yesterday)!! So we decided to give a little competition to our dear zone leaders. We made a bet. The person that wins gets brownies from us. The person that loses has to make food from their country for us.  Wellll...... 

VAMOS BRASIL!!!! (sorry again grandpa and grandma) We won!!!!!!!! I’m so excited to eat tacos!!!! Hna Marques screamed like a maniac when they told her, and she’s not even that into soccer, ha-ha. It’s been real fun. The only sucky thing is that no one lets us in while there’s a game. But oh well. I am working really hard on my Portuguese, I’m making real plans to see if I can go and study for a year maybe in Brazil. I’d really like to be trilingual, ademas que I completely love brasileños.

Love you all!
Hna Stanley

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