Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Hermana Stanley arrives in the field

This was a hand written note by Maddie that was sent to us when she arrived to her mission (transcribed by Mom).

Hola familia! I’m a real missionary now! It’s just barely hitting me. I am going to be in my sector in just a few hours :) I thought I would be more nervous than I am, but really I’m okay! Presidente Woodward & his wife ended up doing a devotional at the CCM on Sunday night and we got to talk with them. That made me feel a lot better heading into this. They are wonderful! Mom it might be time to get a Facebook! Look up Jenny Y Chris Woodward & follow them! Last p-day was awesome; my companion & I tried completos (pics to come) & then we had a contact with the guy who was serving us! We could tell he was interested in us, but we had no clue how to initate, but he basically just ended up asking us how he could become a member of our church, ha-ha! It’s amazing how the lord has prepared people & he won’t let my shortcomings get in the way of their finding the gospel. In regards to Grandma & Granpa’s joke about the foot/pie thing – ha-ha! It was funny because I was actually quite confused about it when I first read “eating feet.” We had the most beautiful Thanksgiving in the CCM. We watched the most incredible devotional/question & answer session by Elder Bednar – live from the Provo MTC! You should all go and watch it. Then they fed us the most fancy, incredible, delicious 12 course meal! They put prunes in the turkey & I LOVED IT! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, because truly we have so much to be grateful for!

I love you & miss you all, but I cannot wait to do this great work :) I will talk to you all in one month.
Mucho, mucho amor!
Hermana Stanley

Boys email me! (meaning brothers!)


With President and Sister Woodward

The newest missionaries in Santiago Oeste!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

"Don't worry, every missionary department has an ark"

....said Presidente Brady when we asked him about how much rain to expect in the winter... oh boy. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! Obviously that is not a holiday down here, except in the CCM! Hermana Brady instructed all of the Latinos to ask us about what Thanksgiving is, which led to me trying to explain stuffing en español. Last jueves, my teacher walked up to me and said, " Hermana Stanley, you 100 percent have the potential to speak solo español. There is no reason for you to ever speak English." So solo español for me from there on out! It was a quiet week for me ;) A little Latina lady came up to my district on jueves and said she needed to see our name tags. When she saw mine she asked if my mom was named Lori. She took a picture of me, said something about a package, and ran off! Then later I got a package with a dozen donuts in it ;) THANK YOU MOMMY!! They were delicious and I still have two ha-ha. I taught Relief Society this week about the Holy Ghost and it went great. I centered it mostly around 1 Nefi 10:17 (read it). We spend most meal times just crying for laughter with the Latinas, they are HILARIOUS. I´ve been learning how to dutch braid also :) I´m getting pretty good at it! Another thing I’m getting pretty good at- FUTBOL. I know yawl probably don’t even believe me but I swear its true. We have so much fun and I’m telling you guys, I really am getting to the point where I can play, which is good because playing futbol is a life skill down here. My sweet teacher, Hermana Jimenez has been learning English because she is going to be moving to Provo after Christmas! Her favorite phrase right now is, "Don’t everybody jump at once" She is so cute!! I’ve been playing the piano so so much. I had to play for Sacrament, (I played Now Let Us Rejoice, O God the Eternal Father, and Lord Dismiss us with Thy Blessing, in case you were wondering). You guys, I’ve really been fighting with myself this week. I’ve been feeling like such an inadequate teacher and I’ve been soooo frustrated with myself. On Monday night I was in tears at my bedside crying to the Lord for comfort, encouragement, hope, and faith in myself. I poured out my soul to Him in complete humility. I crawled into bed feeling surrounded by Christ´s love. The next day I was hoping for a better day, and last night, I taught the most AMAZING lesson. We said a prayer right before we went in and I just pleaded in my head for the Lord to help me and guide me. We got into the lesson with Ariana, who always smokes in the middle of our lessons, and she immediately told us that she had read the Palabra de Sabiduría folleto, and she was down to one cigarette day. Then she had questions about Joseph Smith. That was not the direction we had planned at all, yet where I normally freeze up, I could see clear as day how we could talk about the doctrines we had planned, and still address her needs. We talked about JS and how he revealed the word of wisdom, we talked about 1 Nefi 3:7 and how the Lord always provides a way to do that which he has commanded. We promised her she could quit smoking COMPLETELY. The Spirit was so present. My teacher ended up pausing the lesson and congratulating us. I just, you guys need to know, Heavenly Father is listening to you. He heard me when I cried and He heard me when I pleaded! He’s listening. One more thought. We may be disappointed in ourselves, but the Savior is NEVER disappointed in a heart turned toward repentance. We may be embarrassed by our shortcomings, but Christ is proud of a heart that wants to change. 
Mucho mucho amor para todo, 

Hermana Mads

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Problems with mi pie in paradise

Well, another week has come and gone in the CCM and I only have two more! WUT? Last week began with the rest of pday, when my comp and two other girls in my district walked down to the GIGANTIC mall, Paris. (try not to say that super gringo pls and thx.) But stupidly, I wore the same shoes I had worn the two days before, even though they had been kind of hurting me! I was in a store trying on some soccer shorts, because it gets so FREAKING hot while we play futbol, and I decided to look at my oncoming blister. It was bleeding! LOL It hurt really bad and I had to limp home like a mile and a half or something. But it was a good day nonetheless :) the problem was that the next day I was supposed to go contacting for an hour and I couldn’t find any shoes that didn’t rub up on my blister. On Thursday during lunch I went and asked Hermana Brady and she and Presidente helped me clean it, dress it, and we found a random pair of tennis shoes that didn’t hurt my feet too bad. So I got to go CONTACTING. It was really fun! We got a couple of contacts, but mostly we talked to a bunch of people who wanted to talk about God and Jesus Christ, but nothing more because they are catholic. We had a lot of people who only wanted to talk about how amazed they were at our Spanish when we had only been there for three weeks, so we tried to use that to our advantage! The next day, Friday, was easily the hardest day I’ve had so far. I was stressed out about my foot and I was in pain, we had been practicing a teaching exercise that was so hard for me, and I was just feeling really inadequate, and Presidente Brady hadn’t decided yet if I would be allowed to go proselyting out on the streets that night because I would have to be on my foot for so many hours. Anyone who knows me knows that I wear my emotions on my face, and I was having the hardest time keeping it together. Eventually I just started crying in the bathroom, and my sweet companion just hugged me and let me cry. After a minute she started to talk to me and that calmed me down, and then I felt better. I mean I felt stupid because I was crying, but that was a good experience for us a companionship. President Brady bought me a pair of crocs, and said I could go proselyting. The day proceeded to be easily my favorite day as a missionary so far. 
So we were going to be split up from our companion and put with a Sister in the Este mission. I originally really wanted to be put with a super experienced Hermana, but it just goes to show that the Lord knows what we need better than we know for ourselves. I ended up with a sister who had been in the CCM with me four days ago, Hermana Kelly. Kelly was someone I really looked up to while she was here, and she had kind of taken me under her wing. It was such a relief to be with her. Because she was so new, she had to stay with her trainer while we rode the micro (city bus) and her trainer was paired up with Hermana DJ. They asked how I was doing, gave me some advice, and I felt so much better knowing that one Hermana in my district is now aware of me.  DJ has been working really hard to try to give me some positive reinforcement.  Then we split and we talked to sooooo many people, literally everyone and it was a BLAST. We handed out tarjetas (I can’t explain in English, maybe ask Grandpa??) and there were so many people who I did NOT think would be interested in our message, but they WERE. Everybody wants to know how to be happy in this life!! One really weird thing about Chile is that they all have these massive gates around tiny little houses, so you never actually knock on the door, you just scream A-LO and they come out. One guy was working on his car behind his gate and Kelly said we should go talk to him. We found out that his relationship with God was really important to him, and Kelly asked if we could come back some time and share our message about Jesus Christ. He said, "well, how about now?" um, YES!?!?!?! Kelly started talking about Christ and who He is to us, what His role is in our lives, and a scripture came to my mind. I pulled out my little LdM and shared 2Nefi 25:26. I testified that the Book of Mormon teaches us about Christ, and that reading it will bring us closer to Him than anything else. I gave him the book and invited him to read it. He started to cry, and he just kept saying, "gracias, nunca he tenido un libro de Mormón. Gracias, he estado buscando algo en my vida hace muchos años. He estado pidiendo una respuesta mi vida entera!" o algo así, no recuerdo perfectamente. Unfortunately, José travels for a living and he never stays in one place for more than a few days. We promised him that if he would diligently search the scriptures and pray, the Lord would find a way to teach him the gospel. It was SO AMAZING. Because of that experience, we ended up late and I was going to miss my bus back to the CCM. We were basically running, and because I was wearing only stupid freaking crocs, I ended up stepping on a broken jagged pipe sticking out of the ground and proceeded to bleed in my croc while running to catch the micro. DONT FREAK OUT MOM. Nurse DJ has been helping me treat it and all that, and she assured me that if I recently had a tetanus shot, I’ll be fine. (I did recently get that shot right?) That was a really funny experience, and it was amazing because it didnt matter that I was in pain, we taught someone about Christ, so it was worth it!! My foot has not hurt since. When we got back we found out that one of the new north American sisters went home :( My district sang in Sacrament meeting, we sang I know that my Redeemer Lives, a couple verses, unison, English, accompanied and a couple verses Spanish, parts, a capella. H. Collins just played the hymn with us.  Everyone should go and try to find David A Bednar’s talk given to the Provo MTC about the character of Christ. Because of that talk, I have made a goal to turn outward, when the natural man in me would turn inward :) I’m already so much happier. My companion and I finally did companionship inventory and that was a real blessing, things have been about 1000 times better since we did that. I know that the Spirit guided me to suggest that we do that. IM LEARNING TO PLAY FUTBOL and like, yawl won’t believe me but I’m not awful!! I’m getting better :) :) That’s pretty much all for the week, please no one worry about my foot, the Lord has provided me with so many people to help me take care of it and I’m not in pain. It really is just funny. I love you all!! 
nos vemos!!

Hermana Mads

My View Everyday!